Flexible offer to meet you where you're at.

Build 100k+ passion business with the best tools from the tech startup world brought to lifestyle founders.



METTAECOSYSTEM [€37 /m] - Is this for you?

What: Access to Tools / Community / Education Join the community, educate yourself with an ever-growing curated first-time founder resource library, and get full access to our all-in-one sales and marketing software to create your first website, sales pages, funnels, crm system, etc.

Best if you want to meet like-minded folks, have all the tools you need to build a website, payment integration, crm, social scheduling, etc. and prepare your mindset for getting started. Also can be used as a fall-back plan after completing one of our programs to continue using our software and community benefits.

Learn More & Sign Up Below



PURPOSE TO BUSINESS [€347] - Is this for you?

What: 2-Hour Business Idea Strategy Call 2-hour 1on1 strategy call to define or refine your purpose-driven business idea, niche, monetization options, and map out tangible next steps. Includes 2 weeks of WhatsApp support to ensure you have a clear outcome/direction.

Best if you don't have a business idea yet or have one but want to bring in more passion and meaning or just feel insecure about it and how to make it work.

Strategic Goal: Clarity of Vision for your Purpose-Driven Business Idea

Learn More & Sign Up Below



GET CLIENTS BOOTCAMP [from €697] - Is this for you?

Social Media Positioning & Sales Group Program to learn organic marketing and sales foundations and sign your first clients. You'll learn how to think about your business at an early stage and learn a repeatable method to generating clients in relatively quick time periods.

Best if you are struggling with or procrastinating getting out there to sell an offer you've had in mind. You don't have to know the details of your offering yet but it's ok if ? You just finished a further education as a coach, yoga teacher, designer, pemaculture professional, DIY professional, etc. and want to start to establish yourself as an expert in this new field and get your first clients?

Strategic Goal: Establish Customer-Problem-Fit with your Visionary Customers $ Goal: Earn your first €20k+

Learn More & Sign Up Below



RENT A COFOUNDER [€4782] - Is this for you?

What: 6-Month 1on1 Business Building Program
To meet you where you're at in your business-building journey and to get us to join you as a temporary co-founder for 6 months to consult, coach, AND implement major tasks with our marketing agency support so you can remain working full-time and keep a sense of work-life balance whilst we figure out and ramp up your business together

Best if you want to continue creating momentum in your day-to-day business management process without having to do it all alone making sure you do the right steps at the right time using the right tools through tailored consulting, mentoring, and implementation support.

Phase 3 | Strategic Goal: Establish Product/Marketing-Market-Fit with your Scaleable Customers $ Goal: Earn your first 50-100k
Phase 4 | Strategic Goal: Establish Business-Growth-Channel-Fit $ Goal: Build up toward 100k+ / year

Learn More & Book your Audit Call Below

METTASTARTUP PROGRAM [€7997] - Is this for you?

What: 12-Month 1on1 Business Building Program

To go trough our 4-step process with a dedicated account manager that joins you as temporary co-founder for 12 months and consults, coaches, AND implements major tasks with our marketing agency support, so you can remain working full-time and keep sense of work-life balance whilst we figure out and ramp up your business for you.

Strategic Goal: Product/Marketing-Market-Fit with your Scaleable Customers, Establish Business-Growth-Channel-Fit $ Goal: Earn your first 50-100k and then build up toward 100k+ / year

Learn More & Book A Get-to-Know Chat Below

METTASTARTUP PROGRAM VIP [€9997] - Is this for you?

What: 12-Month 1on1 Business Building Program

Includes everything in our DFY program, plus also significantly boosting your energy levels and personal growth with 12 monthly life & business coaching sessions and a personal board of relevant experts to get more eyes on your business for key milestones. Best for creating a holistic life transformation and for those that want our maximum support.

Strategic Goal: Product/Marketing-Market-Fit with your Scaleable Customers, Establish Business-Growth-Channel-Fit $ Goal: Earn your first 50-100k and then build up toward 100k+ / year

Learn More & Book A Get-to-Know Chat Below

We help you build a 100K+ business

Annual (Ecosystem)
Monthly (Ecosystem)
Business Foundations
Billed Yearly
Save 35 % vs Annual Plan
Learn More
All-In-One Marketing & Sales Software Access
Monthly Expert Masterclasses
MettaCollective WhatsApp
Community Portal
Weekly Challenges
Define A Business Idea
Purpose to business
2-Hour 1on1 Strategy Call

Learn More
Discover your Unique Business Success Blueprint
Define/Refine your Niche
Build a Monetization Vision
Define a tailored 90-Day Action Plan
Feature Comparison Table
Test Idea & First Sales
Get Clients Bootcamp
from €697
Social Media Positioning & Sales Group Program

Learn More
Define/Refine Customer Niche & build your Compelling Offer
Position yourself on Social Media
Done-for-you 21d Launch Content Plan
Learn to sell authentically in DMs and Calls
Weekly Group Calls
Feature Comparison Table
GO-TO-MARKET Strategy & Growth HACKING
6-month Tailored 1on1 Package
Define Sales Funnel & Service/Product Portfolio
Tailored Go-To-Market Strategy 1-Pager
Support with Lead Magnet, Entry Offer, and Main Offer Sales Page Creation
Backend Setup for Sales Funnel like Payment Integrations & Automations
Sales Sprint Content Framework & Content Creation
Project Management via Asana
Weekly 30min Mentor/Coaching/Consulting Calls
6-month Tailored 1on1 Package
Bullseye Exercise: Identify/Prioritize Top Growth Channels
Define Your Lean Business & Growth Plan OKRs
Marketing, Sales, and Admin Operations Setup & Automation in Go High Level
Tailored Content Creation Support for Growth Channel Activation Sprints
Project Management via Asana
Weekly 30min Mentor/Coaching/Consulting Calls
Monthly 30min KPI Review Calls
Learn More
Feature Comparison Table
GO-TO-MARKET Strategy & Growth HACKING
MettaStartup Program
Regular €7997 | VIP €9997
12-month 1on1 Business-Building Partnership
Our Revenue-Sharing Model We support you holistically incl. all marketing and sales for a full year. You get 75% of end-of-year 1 revenue and as we step-by-step hand over full operational and marketing ownership to you in the beginning of year 2, we phase our share out only taking 3% in year 2-5 as you still get access to our support ecosystem. Year 6 we are out completely from a sales share perspective but you are invited to stay in our MettaEcosystem for continued support and mentorship.
Everything in Rent-A-COfounder Strategy & Growth Packages Combined
+ We take over Website creation and all on-going Content Creation and Digital Marketing
We support you holistically incl. all marketing and sales for a full year. You get 75% of end-of-year 1 revenue and as we step-by-step hand over full operational and marketing ownership to you in the beginning of year 2, we phase our share out only taking 3% in year 2-5 as you still get access to our support ecosystem. Year 6 we are out completely from a sales share perspective but you are invited to stay in our MettaEcosystem for continued support and mentorship.
Everything in 12m Program
+ Premium Webflow Template & Website Creation
+ 12x Monthly 1on1 Mindset & Wellbeing Coaching
+ Personal Advisory Board for Key Decision Inputs
Learn More
Feature Comparison Table
Annual (Ecosystem)
Monthly (Ecosystem)
Billed Yearly
Save 35 % vs Annual Plan
Billed Monthly
Save 35% Annual Plan
  • Checkmark.
    All-In-One Marketing & Sales Software Access
  • Checkmark.
    Monthly Expert Masterclasses
  • Checkmark.
    MettaCollective WhatsApp
  • Checkmark.
    Community Portal
  • Checkmark.
    Weekly Challenges

Phase1 | Ideation

Purpose To Business €247/ 2h 1on1 Call

Phase2 | Validation

Get Clients Bootcamp
€697/ 6wk program

6m Custom 1on1

Strategy [20-50k]
 Growth [50-100k]

€4182/ 6m 1on1
MettaStartup Program
Strategy & Growth

€6997/ 1 year 1on1
We support you holistically incl. all marketing and sales for a full year. You get 75% of end-of-year 1 revenue and as you start to operate on your own, we phase our share out only taking 3% in year 2-5. Year 6 we are out.
  • Checkmark.
    Phase-specific creation & implementation of key deliverables (see table below), led and executed by MettaStartup Studio
  • Checkmark.
    Private WhatsApp with dedicated Business Coach and Weekly Mentor Calls.
  • Checkmark.
    Continuous Consulting and Brainstorm Support with CO-founder Team Spirit
MettaStartup Program
€9997/ 1 year 1on1
We support you holistically incl. all marketing and sales for a full year. You get 75% of end-of-year 1 revenue and as you start to operate on your own, we phase our share out only taking 3% in year 2-5. Year 6 we are out.
  • Checkmark.
    All Program Features Plus:
  • Checkmark.
    12x 60min (Monthly) Coaching Sessions
  • Checkmark.
    1x Personalized Holistic Health Plan by Experts
  • Checkmark.
    Personal Advisory Board Input for all Key Milestones
  • Checkmark.
    Premium Web Design in Webflow
What Our Customers Say

"I love the all-in-one software they provide. Took away the headache of researching and learning at least 4-5 other tools I would've needed in my case. Also whenever I had questions they go above and beyond to help me understand and solve my questions. Being able to be part of their community made me feel less lost and less lonely as most of my friends and family aren't entrepreneurs and often don't understand me. Also really enjoy the raw and authentic masterclasses to learn about new aspects of running a business."

Strategy Mgr, Google

"Well-structured, thought of details, templates and exercises were practical and helpful. Feel like I grew a ton of entrepreneur knowledge in working with them. Even after the program, I still had access to Carsten & Olga in Q&A calls and was able to contact mentors to support when a certain topic arose that i didn't have much upfront knowledge on and felt stuck in. It was perfect for keeping me from overthinking and guiding my process step by step as I was off a sabbatical working on starting my business for the first time."

Martin Life Coach
Self Employed

"Still can't believe they did this much work for me consulting, coaching, and implementing steps toward my first own business for such a price. It's a nobrainer if you want to start any business and still work full-time and don't want to sacrifice work-life balance. With 2 kids the latter was very important for me and I don't think I could've or would've started anything without Olgas and Carstens support. They've so much knowledge and you can feel the way they care and give you their energy. It was real team work and I feel I learned so much along the way. "

Anna Account Manager
Account Mgr, Amazon

Frequently Asked Questions

How are your services different from a typical marketing agency, coach, or consultant?

We are a holistic One-Stop-Shop business building solution.

Here what this means: We are different in the sense that we are specifically positioned to support the normal non-experienced, non-funded aspiring business owner with a quality service of everything they need to start and grow a business and at an affordable rate.

You likely cannot afford the premium consulting, marketing agency, or coaching rates out there. Especially, when they always only tackle one part of the problem in isolation of the rest still leaving you with that responsibility on your own.

The consultant tells you what to do but then you gotta take care of implementation which is rarely tangible and straight-forward.

The niche consultants, be it for LinkedIn, Instagram, Podcasts, Courses, etc. will always just teach you their system which is probably really great but they mostly won't consider your overall business journey and stage to evaluate if and what makes most sense given where you're at holistically. And again they usually only solve one small part of the puzzle with their work leaving you with lots of other elements to still figure out separately.

The coach asks you questions and works on your mindset, which is important, but may not provide you with the needed business guidance and inspiration to make this process more efficient.The marketing agency will charge you thousands of euros just for a Brand Identity, and again for a Website, and again for Campaigns/Activations etc. and only if you provide a perfect brief you will get a desired outcome.

And none of them provide you with a software suite to manage your business in the early days so leaving you with yet another responsibility to research and figure out whilst you already don't have time and energy at hand.

We experienced this gap in the offering on ourselves and spent over 40000 EUR just in year 1 of our business on such services. And because they were not holistic we did them all in the wrong order, with the wrong focus, trying and realising tools aren't the right tools to use after all.

So we put together what we wish we had and what we saw only made available to that extend in tech startup incubation and acceleration programs that you can mostly only enter with a billion euro idea and a co-founder or small team already on board.

Is this for me and will I be able to pull this off?


Starting a business is quite a lot like starting a family. There's never the "right" time. All that's needed is a decision that it's important to you and to get into it with action moving forward. You will pick up on things along the way and a year from now, you will be further than you can imagine just by applying the simple rule of "a little bit every day".

If you want this (no matter if with us or someone else) but you are concerned about obligations toward loved ones or a job, then consider how bitter and unfulfilled you might become over time when you keep sacrificing what you really want for others. Would you be the best version of yourself, the same inspiring and energized for them if you didn't move toward your true vision and dreams or at least gave it a real shot?

Here some more specific notes with regard to when it is right to dive into which of our services and programs:

Purpose To Business [2-hour 1on1 strategy call]
Have you been thinking and talking about starting an own business? Maybe you even crafted a business plan before or got started in other ways. But then life happened and you just never pushed through with it or stopped half way when doubts crept in.

Or you didn't really see the path to monetization with the idea and lost motivation. By the way, this is very common when just starting to play with the idea of an own business for the first time.

So if you see yourself in the above, this 2-hour strategy call is right for you. It will ensure that you are not just excited and motivated for a specific business idea but also have a monetization vision and next practical steps in mind.

For this service you have no other role but to be present in the moment and answer our questions to the best of your abilities. We will ensure we get all required info out of you and get you the promised outcome.

Get Clients Bootcamp [group program with 1on1 options]

You know what business you want to do and are ready to get out there? You just finished a further education as a coach, yoga teacher, designer, permaculture professional, DIY professional, etc. and want to start to establish yourself as an expert in this new field and get your first clients?

If you see yourself in the above, Get Clients Bootcamp is right for you. We will define your niche and offer and help you with a framework for content marketing to establish yourself and get your first clients.

80% of clients, who've often dreaded selling prior to joining, actually make their money back during or within 30d after the program. You don't need to know anything about selling. Just bring an open mind to fall in love with it and you'll take full value out of this course. We broke it all down into simple steps each week and we do them all together with 24/7 possibility to ask us anything via a course whatsapp group chat.

Rent-A-COfounder [6-month custom 1on1]

You already got your first clients but it's draining to keep hustling for more and you still don't see a good enough return on investment on your energy and time invest into marketing and sales? You don't have a clear marketing strategy and plan and don't make use of automation tools yet?

If you see yourself in the above, Rent-A-COfounder is right for you. We'll review and create your marketing and sales strategy and help you figure out the best ways to get leads into your pipeline, how to nurture them with minimal time invest, and how to convert them over time and with special boosts using tailored activations.

As long as you are ready to commit to giving us quick feedback and decisions and show up with a motivation and drive to make this business work, we will guide you on how to use that energy for maximum results and will amplify progress by months if not years for you versus doing it alone.

MettaStartup Program DFY & DFY+ [12-month 1on1 framework]

You're serious about building up an own purpose-driven business with a vision of it sustaining your current lifestyle and beyond whilst being something fun and meaningful that creates positive impact for humans or planet? Something that will change the standard of how we do something in the world to the better? You want to start something small and local or build a tech solution with a global vision? But you are new to this and want a team to support you from scratch with guidance about the right steps to be taken in the right order and in the right way? Or you have gone through "Purpose To Business" & "Get Clients Bootcamp" already and want to work with us for 12 months to work through Phase 3 & 4 of the startup journey most efficiently or simply with a better deal vs 2x 6 months with Rent-A-COfounder? And not just have someone do it for you but also learn it all along the way?

If you see yourself in the above, then our 12M MettaStartup Program is right for you. We will teach you the steps, the mindset, and the business skills from ideation to customer discovery, to prototyping, to customer validation, to MVP creation, and growing your business toward a 100k/year trajectory and beyond.

You'll follow a carefully crafted and proven step-by-step framework to create and grow your business with us. As long as you show up with motivation and drive and give us quick decisions when need them (don't worry we guide and coach you through those too), you'll progress quickly and build a business infrastructure tailored to being able to manage growth without investment even as a solo-founder or small 2-founder-team whilst gaining all the knowledge and skills to continue on your own.

What happens after I sign up & how to plan for program participation?

Purpose To Business [2-hour 1on1 strategy call]

After you pay, you will get an email with the link to our calendar so you can find a suitable slot to book the call. There is no preparation needed but if you want to, then feel free to think about and write down some notes about:
- an ideal holistic life setup 12 months from today
- all the types of business ideas you've had until today
- the types of networks you got access to more than other people do
- the soft skills and hard skills you've acquired in your life through hobbies, studies, work
- what you enjoy doing the most in life and what passions you got-
what have been your biggest issues in life over the last 3-5 years
- what are the biggest issues of friends and family
- what are the  biggest issues you care for in the world overall

Get Clients Bootcamp [group program with 1on1 options]

Course Access: After you pay, you immediately get access to our course materials. So, in theory, you can dive in and start creating a return on investment immediately.
Weekly Group Calls: Each week we host a 90min live group call structured into 30min of general Q&A and 60min of workshopping diving deeper into one of the Mods rotating every 5 weeks. If you cannot make one, don't worry because we'll record and store them in a Weekly Group Call library so you never have to wait for the next weekly call to experience our deep dive working sessions.
WhatsApp Group: Join our Bootcamp WhatsApp groups (general and Mod-specific ones) to exchange with peers, ask general questions, or even to get personalized feedback on key results.
Weekly Time Invest: You can take the program at your own convenience though we highly encourage you to give it your full focus for about 6 weeks during which you can finalize a positioning and first sales push to get clients. You will have to invest 1-2h daily to achieve this depending on your speed of learning and decision-making ability.

Rent-A-COfounder [6-month custom 1on1]
MettaStartup Program DFY & DFY+ [12-month 1on1 framework]


Step1 - Evaluation: Sign up for a free 30min Q&A and Audit Call. Here you can ask questions and share concerns in a human conversation so we can get to know each other and create more clarity for you of how this team work could come to live in more concrete terms. This is also where our team will analyse your circumstances and give you a first indication and recommendation of a potential roadmap to follow together.
Decision Time: After the Q&A and Audit call you decide whether or not you want to partner up. When your payment (or first rate in case of payment plans) is registered, you get access to our ecosystem and a link to schedule the onboarding call.


Step2 - Onboarding: In the onboarding call, we jointly define the project plan, KPIs, and deadlines. You get access to our project management tool and our all-in-one marketing & sales software. We also add you to our MettaCOllective community of other aspiring or early-stage business owners. We will also give you a walkthrough of our marketing and sales tool and agree which elements we will use and where it makes sense for you to stick with something you got set up already, if anything.
Step3 - Process: Your dedicated team of CO-founders stays in constant communication with you, meets you for weekly mentor calls, facilitates monthly team check-ins, and quarterly project reviews. We both follow the agreed plan, think along, brainstorm, and have fun doing it along the way. We believe in a working culture of messing around AND delivering high quality highly professional work together.

Step4 - Get Shit Done: Both sides implement the agreed actions and closely monitor results. All deliverables from our side will be presented to you for review and feedback via chat (eg posts) or a call (eg bigger deliverables like the offer definition, branding, or website f.e.). We constantly think along with each other and brainstorm solutions to ensure we remain on track for achieving your goals.


Once you finish one of our 12m MettaStartup Programs, you get to keep our Ecosystem support for free for consecutive 5 years after completion.

Rent-A-COfounder is always booked for a 6-month timeframe so we have enough time to dive into your business, create/fine-tune strategy, and implement to create the momentum and monetary impact you desire.
At end of the 6-month period, based on where the business and your situation is at by then, you can decide whether or not you'd like to re-sign for a second 6-month period, or only keep the Ecosystem support, or to continue fully on your own.

Always consider using our services for three core reasons:

1) as an educational container where you learn entrepreneurial thinking and business skills on the go
2) as an outsourcing container for everything you're not good at or not interested in doing yourself on an on-going basis or to support yourself in peak periods but without spending a lot of money (comparably)
3) as a social and team container that provides additional highly qualified brain power at your disposal at all times for brainstorms as well as the good vibes of having a founding team experience together with us VS doing it all alone and whilst actually keeping all your equity and decision-making power

What methodologies do you use and how are they the best for starting and growing my business as a first-time founder?


We base everything we do not just on proven concepts and frameworks out there but also on the experience of having worked with and having practically applied them to loads of different use-cases. All of our services lie at the intersection of 'Purpose-Driven', 'Startup Processes', 'Software Tools', 'Done-For-You', and a combination of 'Coaching, Mentoring, and Consulting'.


Influenced by our own experience & the climate trajectory we are on. There are many studies that show how a deep why and sense of purpose makes founders and organizations thrive. That's also why Simon Sinek has become as big as he has.

Here are our additional thoughts on this topic and why we find it crucial for any founder.

Success Rate: We want you to live a meaningful and joyful life. The way we define purpose-driven is a combination of things that bring you joy such as your passions and favourite activities, combined with things that represent meaningful contributions to people or planet. The first one (joy things) will ensure you stay engaged and excited and also will be good at it. The second (meaningful things) will ensure that we are building a sustainable and more loving future together.

A Better Future: As an entrepreneur you will inevitably face difficult situations along the way and things tend to not work out perfectly from the get-go. Especially, if you're becoming an entrepreneur coming from a socially accepted safe and prestigious career path, there can often be social pressures and there is always fear of failure and judgment. This is where resilience and persistence play a big role on the road to success. If you have a deep why you will have much more of both so your success rate will be much higher.


Heavily influenced by 'The Four Steps to the Epiphany' by Steve Blank. The Four Steps to the Epiphany is one of the most influential and practical business books of all time.

It is incredible that so many people who want to start businesses including us back then have never even heard about this book.

We had never heard about it until we came across a mentor of ours who teaches angle investment in Seattle. Of course as an investor you want to make sure that companies are built on the right principles and follow a process with the highest chance for success.

He emphasized the importance of following the principles in this book so we started studying it and as with everything we teach, first and foremost we applied it to our own business which led to our first 20k months (prior we were stuck <10k months) within a few months of following its methodology.

We then went on to applying it to all types of businesses we worked with from tech startups to local lifestyle businesses and the results were incredible.

We wish we had someone tell us about this process earlier cause we could have saved lots of time and money. So now we make sure that our clients always follow the right steps in the right order and in the right way; all elements we got wrong when we first started out.

More about the book and our methodology:

The Four Steps to the Epiphany launched the Lean Startup approach to new ventures. It was the first book to offer that startups are not smaller versions of large companies and that new ventures are different than existing ones. Startups search for business models while existing companies execute them.

The book offers the practical and proven four-step Customer Development process. Rather than blindly execute a plan, The Four Steps helps uncover flaws in product and business plans and correct them before they become costly. Rapid iteration, customer feedback, testing your assumptions are all explained in this book.

Packed with concrete examples of what to do, how to do it and when to do it, we will leave you with new skills to organize sales, marketing and your business for success.

If you're starting a new venture, and you're thinking how to successfully organize sales, marketing and business development you need The Four Steps to the Epiphany. Essential reading for anyone starting something new.

The author Steve Blank put together so much wisdom and guidance for the process of starting a business and it equally applies to tech startups and lifestyle businesses.

He wrote the book after he reflected on his own successful entrepreneurial career in silicon valley with a focus on building up companies from scratch. He moved from being an entrepreneur to teaching entrepreneurship to both undergraduate and graduate students at U.C. Berkeley, Stanford University and the Columbia University/Berkeley Joint Executive MBA program. The “Customer Development” model that he developed in his book is one of the core themes in these classes.

All-In-One Marketing & Sales Software

Influenced by 'The 1-Page Marketing Plan' by Allan DibTo build a successful business, you need to stop doing random acts of marketing and start following a reliable plan for rapid business growth. Traditionally, creating a marketing plan has been a difficult and time-consuming process, which is why it often doesn't get done.

In The 1-Page Marketing Plan, serial entrepreneur Allan Dib reveals a marketing implementation process that makes creating a marketing plan simple and fast. It's literally a single page, divided up into nine squares. With it you'll be able to map out your own sophisticated marketing plan quickly.

And across all of it, the author keeps calling out the goal to systemize your marketing and sales processes because a company fully relying on your manual labor is risky and cannot be sold for much if you ever decide you want to. One that is systemized in their approach to generating revenue on the other hand, will make it less reliant on you and increase its exit value drastically.

When we read this book, it for the first time gave us clarity on how to think about and structure our marketing efforts into a system and proper plan. We had been hunting for clients until then using, in hindsight, seemingly random marketing efforts.

This book changed our way of thinking toward a system way of thinking. To be more precise a "Lead Generation - Nurture - Convert" system where you figure out and then automate as much as possible about each step of the process.

Instead of hunting = one-off pushes to get sales, we shifted to a mentality of farming = consistently bringing people into our universe with lead magnets (planting seeds), nurturing (watering) them with valuable content across email or social media, and then converting them (harvesting) into paying clients over time.

Only 3% of your audience is ready to buy today, so the more seeds you plant, the more will ripen simultaneously over time, and the more stability and growth you will experience in your business. This was where the mindset came from.

At the same time we were a 2-person business (with 2 kids on top) struggling with TIME as our biggest bottleneck. After learning and working with a wide range of different scheduling, email marketing, course creation, etc. tools, we finally found the software we now use, one created for marketing agencies, and available to you also outside of our universe.

It is similar to Kajabi, just so much better, broader, more affordable, and less limited allowing for a freer exploration of new ideas. It also allows to automate major elements of the lead generation nurture convert system and keeps you from having to learn 10 systems to just 1 system and freeing you of a lot of manual labor along the way.

Done-For-You / One-Stop Shop

We understand that most often when you start a business you are still working full-time or part-time in another career or business so that you can fund your transition period. Especially, when you have kids and mortgages to pay off, this is an important and daunting workload perspective.

This is why we offer a lot of "done-for-you" services at affordable rates allowing you to keep afloat with your life and retain a necessary work-life balance without losing the possibility to explore the adventure, freedom, and impact possibility behind starting and growing and own purpose-driven business.

Next to taking over workload for you, we also decided to become a one-stop shop and curate all required knowledge and resources so that you don't have to dive into millions of researches for all the new topics and activities you will start engaging in as a fresh founder.

We have and are regularly testing and scanning the market for new ways of doing things and by working with us you can leverage that to save a lot of time and money, once again making this journey much more accessible to the masses.


Influenced by what is needed along this life and career transition journey.

Mentoring We want you to become entrepreneurs that can repeat success over and over again and we also want you to receive guidance so you don't have to go through the full learning circle on your own speeding up growth and success. That's why we also guide and teach you all relevant knowledge and business skills along the way from own experience or experience of our mentor network setting you up for self-sustained success down the line.

Consulting We continuously study and work with top incubators and accelerators to learn and apply the best practices of how to start and grow a business. It is crucial that you create and keep momentum and this is achieved when doing the right things, at the tight time, and in the right way. This is why we preach a continuously evolving process and always provide all necessary tools and templates to be able to implement it in the most efficient ways.

Coaching We chose to leverage the power of coaching and psychology as a key success factor to entrepreneurship. In the end of the day 80% of success is psychology. Our support here is designed to give you a deep awareness of yourself, your thought patterns, and what you stand for so that you can better manage stress, take more confident decisions in uncertainty, reframe any limiting thought patterns, improve opportunistic thinking, and become a leader that pioneers new ways of doing things in the world. It's all about gaining the mindset and soft skill set to maximize your success rates as founders.

How much time will I need to invest & will I be able to manage?

In general, we invite you to accept that it is never the "right time". Today might be rough or crazy but how do you know that tomorrow will be easier or calmer? The only way to start a business and build your dream of independence as a business owner is to get started and consistently take steps forward.

Having said that, we have specifically designed all of our services and programs to make them easy to consume next to already busy lifestyles. Find the details of how to think about your required time investment in each service/program we offer respectively.

Purpose To Business: Only 2 hours are required for the actual call. No prep needed and you even get a summary with next steps from us at the back of it.

Get Clients Bootcamp: Whilst you can do this at your own pace, we recommend dedicating 1-2 hours per day to your business. This helps to establish a routine for you as well as achieving meaningful and continuous progress.

Rent-A-COfounder: During the custom 6-month program, we will take over key business deliverables and help with core decisions along the way so that you can manage a busy and complex holistic life situation that most early-stage founders need to navigate whilst retaining a sense of work-life balance and achieving meaningful progress in your own business journey. In theory, you can do nothing but deliver your product/service when someone buys but we encourage to be as involved as possible so you learn and grow along the way.

12-month MettaStartup Program: The Do-It-Yourself route (available only from mid'24) gives you full flexibility to progress whenever your schedule and energy levels allow. The Done-For-You route is the same as the Rent-A-COfounder program time requirement wise and gives you the ability to start and grow your own business despite a full-time or part-time employee engagement. You keep your financial security and build up more independence through an own business on the side where we support you across all 4 phases of the startup journey in year 1.

Money is tight, is it really worth it?

We are committed to providing you the highest value for money services for a early-stage founder. We want your own purpose-driven business ideas come alive, allow you to feel the sense of freedom that comes with it, and we want to make this path accessible to anyone who who really wants it by keeping it affordable and manageable with everything we do.
We of course don't want you to go into debt or put yourself into another difficult financial situation by joining one of our services or programs. So if need be, safe a bit of money on the side and invest a bit later. If you can manage without incurring bigger risks and you want this, then we absolutely encourage you to take the leap even when it's uncomfortable. When starting a business you always invest a bit of time and money first before you start making it back. The earlier you start investing though, the earlier you will start making it back. And once you made it back and build up a stable operation and entrepreneurial skillset with us, all the rest is profit to keep and grow for the rest of your life.

Can't I try on my own?

Of course you can and you actually should. The reality is that you will anyway invest in a consultant, freelancer, etc. sooner or later because it will be difficult to build up an entire entrepreneurial skillset from scratch next to maintaining an already complex and fast lifestyle of today.

I found a cheaper freelancer for some of the things you offer and there are AI tools too no?

Of course there are amazing prices put forward on platforms such as fiver or freelancer.com and sometimes there is real opportunity there. Also AI tools can be of huge help and reduce the need to hire various experts. AND at the same time most low-priced freelancers are better at executing tightly guided tasks which at the start of an own business will be extremely difficult to do. AI tools are great but also require meaningful prompting and if you want to become an expert in each relevant AI tool out there, you will need to spend many hours experimenting. We, on the other hand, will have full context of your business, guide you on a holistic journey, and when we deliver we don't need briefs cause we already know what is needed ensuring you get what you want and need vs hoping a freelancer gets your brief. We also operate a wide range of AI tools and will be able to get you effective output much quicker. In the end of the day, you will pay a lot less time and money this way, trust us.

Are there any guarantees?

Purpose To Business [2-hour 1on1 strategy call]

You will be coming out of this session with so much value no matter what. You will have learned deeply about who you are and will know the formula for starting truly purpose-driven businesses. You will also be excited and have clarity on next steps. If for whatever reason you still lack a bit of additional clarity and confidence, we will work with you for 2 weeks after the 2-hour call via WhatsApp chat and voice messaging to ensure that you will have an exciting idea and niche and at least 3 months of clear next steps to pursue.

Get Clients Bootcamp [12-month group program with 1on1 options]

We are so confident about the value we deliver in our program that we give you a 7-Day Money-Back Guarantee no questions asked. Once you understand the level of personalized service you receive and notice how practical all of our lessons are, we're sure you don't want to take us up on this. But in case you do, just email us at info@mettastartupstudio.com until the end of the 7th day post-purchase (count includes the day of purchase).

Rent-A-COfounder / MettaStartup Program

As long as you show up to the calls and deliver on your end of the deal where there are dependencies (eg product/service and methodology related decisions and running some interviews with potential customers), you'll be guaranteed to get all tangible deliverables matching the stage of business you are in (eg a 1-page marketing strategy, a website, etc. in phase 2 - see more detail on deliverables in the pricing table). Also you get weekly 30min business mentoring/consulting/coaching calls that are worth the money already as we lend you all of our experience and brain power during those sessions and truly think along with you and what makes most sense to achieve the goals you have.

Is it really smart to start a business and transition into entrepreneurship when most startups fail?

It's completely understandable that this thought pops up and it's a valid one too. And you don't want to waste your limited energy and time for something just to have it fail right?

What if there was no failure though?

Failure doesn't exist if you keep learning - no highly successful business ever succeeded over night without the founder having gone through a learning process.

In order to succeed even with a small side-hustle you will need to adopt a learning mindset. All you do in the first year is experiments with continuous improvement. Most of the time you're not profitable enough to sustain your current lifestyle immediately or even in year 1 but you can definitely get there in year 2 and 3 by just keeping a flexible learning mindset. You could look at your first attempt of an offering as a failure if it doesn't work or you just take in the market feedback and adjust to make it work until you nail it. Our process is built to make this path least expensive and most efficient for you.

What, if opposed to popular opinion, starting an own business is actually the safest thing to do?

It's actually just incredibly smart to build up an own business as an independent income stream if you want to maximize safety and freedom for yourself and your family.

In today's time and economic climate, which will remain unstable and likely still get worse until it gets better again, it's much safer to build up an income stream independent of a job that could end any moment. As an employee it's comfortable and safe until you get fired and find yourself in an environment where companies are putting out hiring freezes etc.

When you start an own business and build up income streams with it, you don't only have a much safer base to fall back to when anything happens to your job but you'll also have learned how to do this over and over again making you more flexible with options for yourself and your family in life.

Still have questions? Check the help center or email us at Support@Example.com